The TalkingIT Global is a social network that connects students to global issues that affect us all. TalkingIT Global focuses on global issues that promote awareness and engagement among students. It uses an online social network that is aimed at raising awareness and discussion on a number of global issues.The ePals Global Community is also a powerful network that brings together students and educators based on areas of learning interests. Unlike the traditional social networks, where a person usually connects solely with people he or she knows in the real world, these sites encourage students to take action on issues that affect their local and global communities. They guide users to a deeper awareness of social, economic and environmental issues. The two sites build a bridge between learning and taking action to improve the environment. Therefore, they foster mutual understanding across continents.
When I go back to Kenya, I will use epals to connect with students from the USA (from my friends school), who will be studying Swahili language and connect with my class in Kenya who will be studying English. These interactions will help students in both continents to learn the language and experience some of the culture through this real-world connection. Learn more:
I loved the epals site. Have you seen the new commercials with Ellen Page? She goes into classrooms to visit students and they tell her they're taking a field trip to China. It turns out their using online video chat to communicate with a classroom in China. It's pretty amazing.